by adeline talbot

Sometimes dreaming is enough or should I say enough for now... 

This past winter I first heard of Naoshima from clients, now friends, who had visited there on a trip to Japan, sponsored by Penland School of Crafts.  The overall trip sounded wonderful!  This Japanese 'art island' sounded life-altering.  In fact, I just can't get it out of my head--and for now I don't mind that one little bit.  

The minute that the fates and the treasury line up,  I'll be off  for a visit to Naoshima but for now I am finding the dream of Naoshima has its own rewards providing a very pleasant refuge for those little mental escapes we all need from time to time from the drudgery of chores or the stress of responsibilities.  

I dream of Naoshima, a nearly deserted island in the Japanese sea covered with art.

See what I mean?  Just beautiful, isn't it?

CLICK HERE for more substantive information on Naoshima or simply watch the scroll for a few mesmerizing images from a magic island...a tiny vacation from the everyday...